Assessment & Moderation

We are committed to ensuring that all of our trainees receive high quality training and are assessed fairly and consistently against national standards. 

We do this by:

  • Developing assessment resources for Connexis-approved programmes listed on the NZQCF.
  • Having a robust registration process for assessors.
  • Providing WDC-approved assessment material for assessors and training providers to assess Connexis learners.
  • Conducting comprehensive moderation of assessor practice.
  • Offering professional development and support to our moderators and assessors.

An assessor makes a judgement on the skills and knowledge of an individual to determine whether they meet the required competencies (unit or skill standards). Some companies have their own in-house assessors, while others use assessors outside their companies.

Registered assessors have industry experience and extensive technical knowledge and skills. All workplace assessors will hold unit standard 4098 Use standards to assess candidate performance or have demonstrated equivalent knowledge and skills (Level 4).

To ensure all registered assessors have sufficient knowledge and skills, assessors are provided with an assessment scope. This scope reflects the experience and qualifications the assessor currently holds and determines what unit or skill standards they are permitted to assess for Connexis learners.

For Assessors

Ensuring the quality of assessment

Connexis moderators moderate assessment decisions of Connexis registered assessors.  This is a quality assurance process to ensure assessors are making similar decisions and that assessments are valid, consistent and fair.

Connexis carries out moderation to ensure that:

  • Assessment decisions are fair, valid, and consistent.
  • Assessment decisions are reliable and consistent between assessors.
  • Moderation supports assessors and providers to meet industry standards and helps identify where improvements may be made.

Assessment practice and results reporting

Information for assessors about assessment practice and moderation compliance can be found in the Assessor Manual. The manual also includes a list of commonly used definitions in the tertiary education sector.

Assessors are required to enter assessment results for all approved programmes via the Connexis Assessor Portal. A guide on how to use the portal is below. Please note that the Assessor Workbook should only be used to report results for casual credits.

Assessor Supporting Documents:

If you have any issues entering results please contact QA at

Who carries out moderation?

Moderation is carried out by moderators who are senior in their industry and are responsible for conducting:

  • Internal moderation of the assessments carried out by Connexis registered assessors and contracted providers.
  • Pre-assessment moderation of assessment resources developed for Connexis programmes.
  • Moderation of newly registered assessors.

To ensure that assessment practice is up to the standard, Connexis moderates assessors annually on a plan that covers all unit standards reported over a five-year period.

Connexis is also required to comply with annual external moderation requirements set up by the relevant Workforce Development Council (WDC) or NZQA.

Workplace Evidence Verifier Support:

We also have an interactive online module to help workplace evidence verifiers understand their roles and responsibilities

2024 Assessor Forums Dates, Locations, and Links

Attending Connexis Assessor Forums is a great way to stay up-to-date with programmes and changes in the industry while refreshing your practice. It also provides an excellent opportunity to meet with other assessors in your area.

Please note that attending a Connexis Forum once every two years is mandatory to keep your Connexis Assessor Registration.

Dates for 2025 are yet to be announced

Become a Connexis Assessor

Assessor training

To become a Connexis Assessor, as a pre-requisite, you are expected to attend a Connexis Assessor Training Course and must hold unit standard 4098 Use standards to assess candidate performance.

If you already hold unit standard 4098, an assessor application will be considered if you complete the Assessor Application Form and return to

The unit standard covered in the Connexis Assessor Training Course is:

  • 4098: Use standards to assess candidate performance

Course Details

  • Candidates will learn about Assessor process and practice and complete the practical tasks required to achieve US4098.
  • Connexis will forward two assessments for candidates to complete as trainees. The assessments must be completed prior to attending the course.
  • The two-day course runs from 9.00am to 3.00pm each day.
  • The cost to attend a two-day Assessor training course is $550.00 (plus GST)
  • A minimum of eight registered attendees are required for a course to proceed. Courses will be confirmed two weeks prior to the advertised date.

Course Outline

Day One

  • Understanding the Connexis workplace assessment process
  • Understanding unit standards, qualifications, and associated governance
  • Preparing trainees for assessment
  • Assessing trainees
  • Best practice in assessment
  • Tools to gain unit standard 4098.

Day Two

  • Completion of US4098 assessment. Candidates alternate roles as trainee and assessor and will be observed conducting pre-assessment, assessment and post assessment processes.
  • The completed 4098 portfolio is submitted to an external assessor for assessment.
Assessor Training Course Dates and Locations



14 & 15 May 2025


18 & 19 June 2025


9 & 10 July 2025


27 & 28 August  2025


17 & 18 September 2025


12 & 13 November 2025


Please download the enrolment form by clicking on the button below and return your completed form to

If you have any questions about these training courses, please fill out the question form above.

APA New Assessor Training

Connexis trains assessors who want to assess learners enrolled in APA programmes, either externally or, in some cases, in-house.

To apply, you must be a currently registered Connexis Assessor with at least five years of experience and have had your assessments supported in moderation during this period. Additionally, applicants need to be endorsed by their employer and have two referees.

If you are interested in becoming an APA Assessor, please email

For Moderators

Moderators are an integral part of the assessment and QMS process.  Connexis administers the moderation system through a supportive and educative approach.  Moderators will be expected to contact assessors as part of this process, and provide constructive feedback regarding the moderation results.

Applications to become a Connexis Moderator are accepted throughout the year.  All applicants must meet the current moderator selection criteria before applications are presented to the Connexis’ National Moderator for consideration. If you are interested in applying to become a Connexis moderator please fill in the Moderator Application Form and email this back to

For Training Providers

We work closely with a range of training providers who deliver training across the Infrastructure Industry.

We recommend that training provider trainers and assessors also register as a Connexis Assessor so that they receive the Assessor Newsletter and can attend the Assessor Forums to keep up to date.

We will continue to moderate samples of assessments reported by training providers using Connexis’ accreditation scope.

For further information, please email us at

Assessment Resources

Assessor and trainee assessment resources are available for all unit standards within programmes Connexis offers. The assessment resources have been pre-assessment moderated to ensure they are fair, valid and consistent and meet the National Standard.

The Assessor guide resources are available to registered Assessors and can be downloaded by logging into the Learning Management System using the ‘eLearning’ button’ to the right.

If you have difficulties logging into the Learning Management System, please contact


Assessor Application Form - for new applications, extension of scopes, change of details, and re-registration

TTM Micro-credential Assessor Application Form

Resource Order Form

Please note that orders will be fulfilled within ten working days after processing. We do not offer urgent services, and all resources are non-returnable and non-refundable.

Wheels, Tracks & Rollers Order Form

Post-assessment Moderation Cover Sheet - for new and active assessors

Moderation Appeal Form

Resource Feedback Form

Unit Standard Review Form

Capstone Assessor Endorsement Application - for independent assessors (“assessors”) applying to the Waihanga Ara Rau Capstone Reference Group to assess Capstone Assessments.

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