School students experience infrastructure jobs in action

benstevens Civil, Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, Our People, Telco, Water

Horowhenua school students had the chance to see how infrastructure careers can help them soar to new heights at the recent Annual Connections event in Levin. Dozens of students were given hands-on experience with different infrastructure tasks, including getting their feet off the ground in a cherry picker, as well as other challenges like handling a chainsaw (unchained) and climbing tall …

SpeedMeets 2022, back and bigger than ever

benstevens Civil, Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, NZ Apprenticeships, Telco, Water

SPEEDMEETS 2022 – BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER! This year, we have been lucky enough to partner with a number of our WBL whānau organisations – including MITO, ServiceIQ, and Competenz – and the Ministry of Health to bring eight SpeedMeet events to Aotearoa New Zealand. SpeedMeet has provided employers with the opportunity to attract new talent by meeting with …

Check Your Fees Free Eligibility!

benstevens Civil, Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, NZ Apprenticeships, RoVE, Telco, Water

Fees Free tertiary education and training is a policy introduced in 2018 to expand participation in tertiary education and reduce student debt in New Zealand. It is targeted towards first-time learners. If you are a first-time tertiary learner, or your first tertiary education was covered by the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF), you may be able to get up …

NEW approach for 2023 Connexis pricing structure is released

benstevens Civil, Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, NZ Apprenticeships, Our People, RoVE, Telco, Water

2023 PRICING SCHEDULE FAQS AN IMPORTANT UPDATE REGARDING: CONNEXIS 2023 PRICING SCHEDULE With the government ending the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship fund (TTAF) on the 31st December 2022, Connexis will resume charging fees from 1 January 2023 in line with TEC funding requirements.  You will note that we have made a change to the management of our learner’s training programme, …

Infrastructure skills shortages tackled at grassroots level

benstevens Civil, Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, NZ Apprenticeships, Our People, Telco, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure, Water

From testing water quality to operating an excavator to seeing the inner workings of a wind turbine, New Zealand’s female secondary students have had a taste of careers in the infrastructure sector – and they’ve loved it. ‘Girls with Hi-Vis®‘ (GWHV) has seen events held nationwide throughout June to offer young women the opportunity to visit infrastructure companies in their …

Developing a Skilled Civil Construction Workforce

benstevens Civil, Civil Trades, eNews, News

Civil Contractors New Zealand (CCNZ) this month published the Developing a Skilled Civil Construction Workforce report. The report maps out the challenges and opportunities in onboarding new entrant workers and helping them upskill. It is the first project from CCNZ’s Civil Workforce Forum. The report highlights the role of training and says embedding worker development into day-to-day business, backed by …

Engineering a bridge over New Zealand with grants to help infrastructure training.

New grant scheme to fund visionary training initiatives through Infrastructure Education and Training Charitable Trust

benstevens Civil, Civil Trades, eNews, News, NZ Apprenticeships

A new grant scheme will support visionary training initiatives that will help to step up the workforce skills of New Zealand’s infrastructure industry, with the first round of applications opening in July 2022. The scheme will be funded by The Infrastructure Education and Training Charitable Trust, and will be administered by the Public Trust. It is the legacy left to …

Civil Industry Award Finalists Announced

benstevens Civil, Civil Trades, eNews, News, Our People, RoVE

Skills shortages are one of the key challenges facing the civil sector and it is becoming increasingly important for employers to actively play their part in addressing this issue. The awards recognise employers who have embedded training across their businesses, creating career pathways for their workers, and improving capabilities in the civil industry. Congratulations to our finalists: Category 1 – …