RoVE Bulletin #7

benstevens eNews, News, RoVE

Kia ora koutou,  Welcome to the bold new world of vocational education!  As of Wednesday 1 September 2021, our brand, arranging training functions, and most of our people, have transferred to Te Pūkenga subsidiary Work Based Learning Limited (WBL). Connexis is now a separately branded business division within WBL. Read more about Connexis’ shift into WBL.  By moving early to transition, our focus can now be on the development of the new operating model …

Standard Setting readies for move into Workforce Development Councils

benstevens News, RoVE

From 4 October 2021, responsibility for qualifications development, pre- and post-moderation, consent to assess, and programme endorsement for the infrastructure industries will move from Connexis to the new Waihanga Ara Rau Construction and Infrastructure Workforce Development Council (WDC).  As part of the government’s Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE), Waihanga Ara Rau will be the vocational education standard setting body for infrastructure sector unit standards and qualifications. Connexis …

Connexis Experience Key in the Future of Industry Training

benstevens News, RoVE

Important knowledge and experience of infrastructure industry training will be present in the leadership team of the new Waihanga Ara Rau Construction and Infrastructure Workforce Development Council (WDC). Connexis General Manager Learning Solutions Mike Grumball has been named as one of a new team of four Waihanga Ara Rau General Managers.  Workforce Development Councils are being established through the Reform …

First Workforce Development Council Chief Executive Appointed

benstevens News, RoVE

Waihanga Ara Rau Construction and Infrastructure Workforce Development Council today announced the appointment of Philip Aldridge as Chief Executive. The appointment is a significant milestone in the establishment of Workforce Development Councils, which will give industry greater leadership in the vocational education system. Waihanga Ara Rau is the first of the six Workforce Development Councils to appoint its Chief Executive. …

Connexis CE congratulates Competenz as it becomes the first TITO to transition into Te Pūkenga

benstevens News, Our People, RoVE

Competenz’s transition into Te Pūkenga today has been applauded by Kaarin Gaukrodger, the Chief Executive of fellow Transitional Industry Training Organisation (TITO) Connexis. Kaarin says Competenz has paved the way for the other “first movers”, including Connexis and BCITO who will transition on 1 September and 4 October respectively. “This is an historic moment and we wish Competenz all the …

Connexis and Te Pūkenga sign Transfer Agreement

benstevens News, RoVE

Connexis and Te Pūkenga have agreed to the terms under which the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation (trading as Connexis) will shift most of its core functions into Te Pūkenga’s new Work Based Learning Limited (WBL) subsidiary. In June, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) approved Connexis to transition its Arranging Training and Standard Setting activities into other entities as part of …

RoVE Bulletin #6

benstevens eNews, RoVE

Kia ora koutou,   The Connexis transition plan has been approved by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and we are preparing for the first major shift, which is of our Arranging Training functions into Te Pūkenga from 1 September. Now we have reached the business-end of the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE), the mood within our team is one of expectation. We have …

Connexis transition plan approved by TEC

benstevens News, Our People, RoVE

Connexis has been given the green light to transfer its core functions into other entities as part of the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE). Connexis Chief Executive Kaarin Gaukrodger says there was widespread confidence, from within the organisation, the industry and TEC, that the transition plan puts Infrastructure in the best position to benefit from the reforms. “It provides for …

RoVE Bulletin #5

benstevens eNews, News, RoVE

Kia ora koutou, The year is racing by and while the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) has been keeping us busy, we are very happy with the direction of current developments, both in terms of the reforms and the continued growth of Infrastructure trainees and apprentices. Our Transition Plan was submitted to the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) last month following …

RoVE Bulletin #4

benstevens News, RoVE

Kia ora koutou, As one of the early mover Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs), planning to transition our Arranging Training functions this year, we continue to stay at the forefront of decision-making around the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE). This week we will be submitting our transition plan for our Arranging Training and Standard Setting functions to the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) for …