December 2017 eNewsletter is out now!

benstevens Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, Our People, Telco, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure, Water

The Connexis ITO Infrastructure October news is out now! Check out the eNews issue here:  IN THIS ISSUE: CEO statement Fees free for Industry Training and what it means for Connexis Infrastructure customers Infrastructure Workforce Jobsite: advertise your vacancies! New Governance Group overseeing Annual Connection and Energy Awards 2018 2018 pricing information New and improved Electrical Supply Qualifications available …

NEWS: Fees Free 2018 Connexis Trainee Eligibility

benstevens Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, Our People, Telco, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure, Water

Fees Free for Industry Training and what it means for Connexis Infrastructure Customers 13 December 2017: Since the end of October 2017, TEC have been working to develop the policy around the Fees Free scheme that the new government made a priority for release in 2018. This week we had a meeting with TEC to further understand the eligibility criteria …

PRESS RELEASE: New Water & Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Training Programme – Enrolments Open February 2018.

benstevens News, Water

Connexis are pleased to announce that enrolments into the new water treatment plant operator training programmes will open in February 2018. This new training programme has been developed through working closely with Water New Zealand, Water Industry Operations Group NZ (WIOG), and key industry stakeholders. The new qualifications and training programmes have been developed since the Havelock North outbreak, and …

PRESS RELEASE: First Two Pipeline Workers Awarded Industry Certification

benstevens News, Our People, Water

New Zealand has its first two fully trade certified water pipeline construction and maintenance workers, following the introduction of Civil Trade Certifications in 2015. Clayton Douglas, from Abergeldie Harker in Christchurch, and Craig Hart from Infracore in Rotorua are the first civil infrastructure workers to be certified in water since the establishment of the Civil Trades Certification board two years …

October 2017 Trainee eNewsletter is out now!

benstevens Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, Our People, Telco, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure, Water

The October Trainee eNews is out now. Trainees if you are interested take a look below, and if you would like to be added to our mailing list sign up here[UNIQID] In this newsletter: Connexis springs into change CEO statement New website launch Introducing the Infrastructure Workforce Jobsite 2017 Annual Connection and Excellence Awards Story: Connexis industry taster course proves highly …

October 2017 e-Newsletter is out now!

benstevens Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, Our People, Telco, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure, Water

The Connexis ITO Infrastructure October news is out now! Check out the eNews issue here: IN THIS ISSUE: Connexis springs into change CEO statement New website launch Introducing the Infrastructure Workforce Jobsite 2017 Annual Connection and Excellence Awards New Connexis energy industry manager Story: Connexis industry taster course proves highly successful Connexis Transition to Work – Supporting new entrants Connexis building our future …

PRESS RELEASE: New Chief Executive at helm of Connexis

benstevens Civil Trades, Energy, News, Telco, Water

New Connexis Chief Executive Peter Benfell is joining the organisation at a time of major growth and investment for the Infrastructure industry and is looking forward to the challenge ahead. Connexis is the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation (ITO) and its role is vital to ensure the country’s continued growth over the coming years. The industry is predicted to require an …

PRESS RELEASE: Girls with Hi-vis Month Underway

benstevens Civil Trades, Energy, News, Telco, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure, Water

Women around the country are donning Hi-Vis attire this month for a ‘hands on’ taste of working in the Infrastructure Industry. The annual ‘Girls with Hi-Vis’ initiative lead by Connexis – the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation (ITO) – sees staff already working in the Infrastructure Industry inviting sisters, daughters, friends, cousins and wives to work for a day for a …

Meeting the Water skills challenge

benstevens News, Water

The renewal of ageing infrastructure is one of the biggest challenges facing the 3 Waters over the next 30 years. With an investment in the region of $45.2 billion planned in the next 15 years alone, construction activity will soon be at an all-time high in the sector. So too will the demand for competent, qualified people to carry out …

Secondary school students sample the Water Industry

benstevens News, Water

A group of secondary school students enjoyed a behind the scenes taste of the water industry recently experiencing what it takes to provide Auckland with clean, safe drinking water. The students were taking part in a five-day ‘Water Taster’ programme this week – an initiative of Connexis, designed to show young people how the industry works and to encourage them …