Secondary school students sample the Water Industry

benstevens News, Water

A group of secondary school students enjoyed a behind the scenes taste of the water industry recently experiencing what it takes to provide Auckland with clean, safe drinking water. The students were taking part in a five-day ‘Water Taster’ programme this week – an initiative of Connexis, designed to show young people how the industry works and to encourage them …

Winners announced at Connexis Women in Infrastructure Awards 2016

benstevens News, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure

Women in Infrastructure Awards 2016 winners: Winnie Rawiri-King of the Electricity Supply Apprentice Programme (left) and Suzanne Naylor of Watercare Services (right) The outstanding achievements of women employed in New Zealand’s Infrastructure industry came to the stage in Wellington today. The annual Connexis ‘Celebration of Women in Infrastructure’ lunch at Te Papa recognised a group of women from around the …

Christchurch high school students try out a day’s work at City Care

benstevens News

Christchurch high school students recently tried out a day in the life of a City Care worker as part of a nationwide drive to encourage teenagers to embark on a career in trades and services. Students from Shirley Boys and Kaiapoi High Schools visited City Care – a major player in helping rebuild Christchurch’s infrastructure after the earthquake – for …

Mainpower gets girls into Hi-Vis

benstevens Energy, News

Rangiora-based electricity distribution company, MainPower New Zealand Limited hosted their first Girls with Hi-Vis day on Wednesday 6 July. Girls with Hi-Vis is an initiative run by Connexis, aimed at increasing female participation in the infrastructure industry. Open days have been arranged throughout the country, with the aim of showcasing the opportunities for women in trades and technical roles. MainPower’s …

Women in Governance Awards

Connexis leading the way in attracting women to careers in Infrastructure

benstevens News, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure

Connexis is leading the way with its strategies around creating a more gender diverse workplace in New Zealand’s infrastructure industries. Connexis has been working to attract more women into trade and technical roles within New Zealand’s infrastructure industry in a bid to fill a large void in the workforce. These strategies have been led by Connexis Board Chair Frances Hague, …