Connexis Programmes Eligible for Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Funding (TTAF)

benstevens News, NZ Apprenticeships

Funding for Infrastructure Industry Training enrolments is now available from today, 01 July. In the midst of all the change and challenge of responding to COVID 19, Connexis is here to help you navigate the funding options for apprenticeships and training. At its simplest that may just mean we’re not charging you any fees. Depending on the criteria, we may …


benstevens News, Water

It all started with a keen interest in operating heavy machinery and it has led to an industry qualification for Raj Prasad. Raj is a long-time employee of Auckland-based civil-engineering company Vuksich and Borich and was recently accredited as a Civil Tradesperson after achieving his Civil Infrastructure Apprenticeship in Earthworks. This was a milestone not only for Raj, but also …

Apprenticeship Support Programme 2020

Prue Feely News, NZ Apprenticeships

Today the Government released an employer-focused Apprenticeship Support Programme. We wanted to offer a quick summary of what this all means and invite you to ask any questions you may have.  Connexis is committed to keeping you connected and supporting your access to these funds as swiftly and easily as possible. The Difference Between the Apprenticeship Support Programme and TTAF: …

Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF) update

Prue Feely News, NZ Apprenticeships

Yesterday the Minister of Education provided further details on the $320 million Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF).  This information has been provided via the Minister’s press release and some additional information on the TEC website.  We have summarised this information for you below and will continue to update you as more details become available.  Who will be eligible? Government …

Government’s budget announcement

benstevens News

The Budget released on the 14th of May announced the acceleration of the development of Workforce Development Councils (WDC) to October 2020 and significant investment in vocational education. The fast-tracking of the six WDC’s brings the establishment forward from mid-2021 to October 2020. We do encourage you to continue to have your say. Find out more here. The big investment in …

Workforce skill needs waiting on ‘Shovel-Ready’ decision

Prue Feely News

The Government’s Budget investment in vocational education and infrastructure has been welcomed by the industry who are waiting to hear which shovel-ready projects will be chosen. Connexis supports training for the Infrastructure Industry, and Chief Executive Toby Beaglehole says, “This investment will provide much needed support to the Infrastructure industry to build the skilled workforce required to undertake the new …

Reform of Vocational Education is progressing

Prue Feely News, RoVE

While there has been a focus on Covid-19 and the required business decisions around being in Lockdown Level 4, Level 3 and now Level 2, the Government have continued to progress the establishment of one unified vocational education system through RoVE. We thought it would be a good time to update you with what has been happening and help you …

Lockdown Time Converted to Study Time

Prue Feely Civil, News, Our People, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure

Civil infrastructure trainees around the country put the recent Level 4 lockdown hours to good use hitting the books and studying toward their apprenticeships. Lateisha Jeeves, Fulton Hogan Whangarei and Quaid Leech, Extreme Earthmoving Ltd in Auckland, switched their study from the workplace to home making the most of the lockdown hours. Lateisha is part of Fulton Hogan’s road maintenance …

Focus on economic growth and wellbeing

benstevens News

Wellington, April 17 2020:  With kick-starting work on major new Infrastructure projects around the country a priority for the Government, the industry will welcome the move to COVID-19 Alert Level 3, when it occurs. Connexis Chief Executive Toby Beaglehole says, “We’re optimistic about the move to Alert Level 3 and the opening of ‘safe’ businesses.  We’re also heartened by the …

Connexis available for Industry Training throughout Isolation

benstevens News

These are unnerving times and we recognise our customers will be trying to understand the impacts on their business and support their employees and their families.  One question that’s arisen is whether our customers can use their teams’ isolation time to progress their training or get new teams into training. The answer is yes. The Connexis team is all set …