benstevens News, NZ Apprenticeships, Water

Wellington, February 2020:  With the capital’s aging and struggling water infrastructure under the spotlight recently, the industry is responding with the release of a new level of training qualifications to upskill supervisors and managers. Connexis, the Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for the Infrastructure Industry, has just released two new Level 5 water-related diplomas: Drinking-water Treatment, and Wastewater Treatment.  These diplomas …

Jimmy Robertson from Goodmans Contracting - Civil Trades Certified

In a time of change, successes continue

Prue Feely Civil, Civil Trades, Energy, News, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure

TOBY BEAGLEHOLE, CHIEF EXECUTIVE, CONNEXIS INFRASTRUCTURE INDUSTRY TRAINING As published in Contractor Magazine January ‘Perspectives 2020’ As a newbie to vocational education and industry training in New Zealand, I was caught on the hop by the Government’s proposals in its Review of Vocational Education (RoVE) in February 2019. The biggest revamp of industry education in more than 25 years, RoVE …

Government’s Infrastructure Investment Welcomed

Prue Feely Civil, Civil Trades, News

The Government’s announcement to future-proof New Zealand with a $12 billion investment in infrastructure is a positive sign for the country’s future.  With $6.8 billion tagged to developing transport, this will provide some much-needed certainty of forward work for the civil infrastructure sector and has been welcomed by the nation’s infrastructure sector training organisation Connexis. Connexis Infrastructure Industry Training Chief …

eNews – December

Prue Feely Civil, Civil Trades, Energy, eNews, News, Telco, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure, Water

Kia ora, As the calendar year draws to a close, I’m pleased to report that 2019 has brought a wide range of successes. As the standard-setting body for the infrastructure industries, Connexis shares the Government’s commitment to raising the profile of vocational education. This includes working with schools and communities around New Zealand and providing more flexible workplace-based learning, while actively supporting …

INFRASTRUCTURE INDUSTRY UPDATE | Reform of Vocational Education

Prue Feely News, RoVE

Between 23 September and 8 November, Connexis held seven events throughout New Zealand to engage with our customers and understand how you would like us to progress the upcoming changes to industry training. This was followed by a short survey that we emailed out to attendees. I am writing to share with you the results of that survey along with …

Wairoa Star: Civil contracting apprenticeships distinction for three QRS staff

Prue Feely Civil, Civil Trades, News

When you start at the bottom it’s important to be recognised as you move up within your chosen industry, says one of three civil construction stalwarts who gained Civil Trades Certification at Quality Roading and Services (QRS) last month. “It’s given us industry recognition and distinction as skilled tradespeople,” says QRS project supervisor Joe Winiana. “There’s a huge difference to …

Press release: Industry Training Organisation welcomes boost to trade programmes and promotion of trades in secondary schools

Prue Feely News

Wellington 24 October 2019 This week’s announcement by the Government of a 27 percent increase in places to be made available at Trades Academies and Gateway secondary-tertiary programmes for school students has been welcomed by the nation’s infrastructure sector training organisation, Connexis. The move, which involves the largest single increase in Trades Academy places in recent years, will fund 2,000 …

PRESS RELEASE: Connexis Continues the Call to Recruit More Women

Prue Feely News, Ultimit / Women in Infrastructure

Wellington 16 October 2019:  New Zealand’s Infrastructure Industry continues the call for more women to be employed in trade roles. Connexis is a key partner of the Women in Trades Research consortia that released their key findings from three years of research. Women experience five key barriers to joining trades where they are traditionally under-represented, including lack of knowledge about opportunities …

Annual Connection Award Winners - Line Mechanic Compeition

Annual Connection Excellence Awards 2019

Prue Feely Civil, Energy, News

The Annual Connection Excellence Awards celebrate the best and brightest trainees working in the Electricity Supply and Telecommunications industries. They also recognise those who have made a significant contribution to the industry through their enthusiasm and commitment to industry training. Over the three days of competitions at Annual Connection competitors showcased the very best practices for completing jobs safely and …

Annual Connection Competitions

Power crews go head to head in intense competition at Annual Connection

Prue Feely Civil, Energy, News

Competition between power company crews was intense last week as they vied for top national honours. Teams and individuals competed in a series of events at Annual Connection 2019 replicating the work they do out in the field to ensure that New Zealand’s power is flowing. There were 12 teams competing in the line mechanic competitions, with 9 individuals in …