Kia ora koutou,
Happy New Year. I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and had time to relax and recharge. As the year kicks off, so does our work around the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE). 2021 is a significant year for industry training as we look to transition into the new unified education system.
Throughout this period of change, we are committed to keeping our customers’ and the industry’s needs front and centre. Our aim is to make the transition as seamless as possible for employers, learners, staff, assessors and other key industry groups currently involved in on-job training with Connexis.
Over the next few weeks, the Connexis Executive Team and Board are undertaking planning sessions to ensure we remain future-focused for our customers and the industry more broadly. This is crucial at this time of significant growth in infrastructure industry training as demand for skilled workers increases.
Below is a brief summary of the various workstreams relating to RoVE. We will continue to keep you updated with developments as the year progresses.

Ngā mihi,
Kaarin Gaukrodger
Connexis Chief Executive
Initial discussions on the Unified Funding System underway
We have been in discussions with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) around the Unified Funding System (UFS), which will be introduced sometime from 2023.
The purpose of the UFS is to allow learners to move more easily between regions and between on-job, online and classroom training. It will enable learners to continue training if their employment situation changes.
As we work to transition our Arranging Training functions this year, TEC have confirmed that until the UFS is introduced, all Arranging Training, post transition, will be at the current Industry Training Fund rate. This will remain the same, even after our Standard Setting functions are transferred to the Construction and Infrastructure Workforce Development Council (CIWDC).
In drafting the UFS, TEC are working with us to ensure industry and learner needs are at the forefront of decisions. If you are interested in the details of the new funding system you can read more here.
Consultation on Arranging Training transition plan
Over the coming months, we will be consulting with our customers on our transition plan for Arranging Training.
Arranging Training means working with industry and learners to develop training programmes that satisfy industry needs, signing employees up to work-based training, and providing support throughout the trainee journey.
Under the new unified system, our Arranging Training functions will transfer either to Te Pūkenga, a Private Training Establishment (PTE), a Wānanga, or a combination of the three.
In developing our transition plan, we must keep the needs of our customers at the forefront while also meeting the objectives of the new unified system envisaged by RoVE. We hope to address any customer and industry concerns in our transition plan as we continue to move through this period of change.
With this in mind, we will be coming out to talk with our customers, provide information about the transition of Arranging Training and give you the opportunity to feedback on your preferences. We will keep you informed as plans progress.
Our aim is to have the transition plan to TEC in April. All Transitional Industry Training Organisation (TITO) transition plans need to be into TEC by June 21.
TEC want to ensure a fair process in developing a transition plan and this includes consulting with some current training providers and Wānanga to understand how they want to operate in the new system. Click here if you are a PTE and want to find out more.
Standard Setting: Last chance to kōrero mai, have your say on Workforce Development Councils (WDC)
While discussions continue around where our Arranging Training responsibilities will transfer to under RoVE, Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) will take over our Standard Setting functions. Connexis’ Standard Setting functions will be transferred to the Construction and Infrastructure WDC (CIWDC).
WDCs are still on track to be up and running by 1 August. This will need to occur in order for our Arranging Training to transition.
TEC is currently consulting on the Order in Council proposals to establish the WDCs. This consultation closes tomorrow, on 5 February 21. To ensure industry voice is heard in the development of CIWDC, we urge you to kōrero mai, have your say. All information on WDC and the TEC consultation can be found here.
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