Kia ora koutou,
The Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) is gathering pace and key developments and announcements are arising with greater frequency and tighter deadlines. Decisions made now will have long-lasting impacts for Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs) and our subsidiary staff, employers, learners, and everyone else involved in vocational learning.
While this is a significant change to how industry training is supported, we understand that our customers are busy building and maintaining New Zealand’s infrastructure. We, at Connexis, are committed to representing our customers’ views and the views of our industries as the new system continues to be developed.
If you would like to keep up-to-date with the changes, there are a number of ways we can help:
- “RoVE” section of our website is continually refreshed to keep pace with the latest developments.
- Connexis LinkedIn page is where we flag up major news of interest.
- RoVE Bulletin is sent out when we have a few headlines or an announcement of particular significance to share. These are also posted to “News” on our website.
There are a number of recent developments we wanted to share in this latest Bulletin:
- An opportunity to play a role in governing the WDCs;
- Online sessions to help Te Pūkenga improve its responsiveness to learners and employers;
- A second chance to feedback on the design of Te Pūkenga’s Operating Model; and
- The availability of an online copy of Connexis’ customer consultation presentation.
1. Applications for CIWDC Council membership close 16 April
TEC is seeking Expressions of Interest from industry leaders with significant governance experience who want to play a part in leading the industry-led Workforce Development Councils (WDCs).
We would like to see our industries well represented in the governance structure of the Construction and Infrastructure WDC (CIWDC).
Details about the roles, including an information pack, are available on Applications for these important governance roles close on Friday 16 April 2021.
Information on CIWDC can be found here.
2. Te Pūkenga is holding online employer workshops 13-15 April
Te Pūkenga is committed to putting learners and employers at the centre of everything it does. Earlier this year, it developed a series of employer profiles and identified areas where it could better support employers to train their apprentices and trainees. Te Pūkenga wants to test these concepts to make them more valuable and workable. It is holding a series of online workshops next week that employers are invited to attend.
There are three virtual, online workshop dates available:
Workshop 1: 13 April – 09:30 to 11:30
Workshop 2: 14 April – 09:30 to 11:30
Workshop 3: 15 April – 09:30 to 11:30
Please get in touch with to express your interest and which workshop you would like to attend. You will then receive an online invitation. Please note that Te Pūkenga will try and accommodate your request but there is limited capacity for each session which will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
3. Te Pūkenga reopens its consultation platform “Our Journey” from 7 April – 21 April
Te Pūkenga continues to roll out its project to develop an Operating Model, which is due to come into force sometime time from 2023.
From Wednesday 7 April to Wednesday 21 April it is reopening its “Our Journey” online collaboration space for public feedback on the draft proposals being developed.
If you would like your voice to be heard in the setup of this new national skills training body, visit Our Journey.
If you would like to engage but do not have a good understanding of what Te Pūkenga’s Operating Model is, you can have your questions answered by a new video series that aims to unpack the project and approach. The first video, “What is the Operating Model?”, is available now.
4. Connexis’ Customer Consultation presentation is available online
Connexis, along with the other TITOs, must develop a plan outlining how we will transition our Arranging Training functions. Arranging Training means working with industry and learners to develop training programmes that satisfy industry needs, signing employees up for work-based training, and providing support throughout the trainee journey. The three options for transfer are: Te Pūkenga, a Private Training Establishment (PTE) or a wānanga.
We have now finished our formal consultation with industry and aim to have our transition plan with TEC in April.
If you missed our RoVE forums, you can view the full consultation presentation here.
We are still keen to receive your feedback to help guide us through the process ahead and have extended the closing date for our online survey. Once you have been through the presentation and would like to feedback, please click on our survey, save it to your desktop, complete it and email it to Make sure to include your name and that of your organisation. Alternatively, an email with your comments on the questions posed in the presentation can be emailed directly to

As we continue to see the rollout of changes as RoVE progresses, be assured that we are motivated always by the needs of our employers, learners and industries.
Ngā mihi nui,
Kaarin Gaukrodger
Chief Executive
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