Connexis ITO legacy a $1 million annual boost for infrastructure training

Prue Feely News

…industry, including facilitating work-based learning to build towards a sustainable supply of skilled workers. The past 18 months have delivered a combination of reduced costs from restricted operations due to COVID-19 and strong growth in trainee numbers. The latter is the result of…

RoVE Bulletin #1

benstevens News, RoVE

…. . . Initial discussions on the Unified Funding System underway  We have been in discussions with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) around the Unified Funding System (UFS), which will…


…for skills-based vocations and attract under-represented groups into the trades. Under the agreement, any Arranging Training functions transferred from TITOs to Te Pūkenga could be delivered by the two organisations…

Bounding ahead

Martin Svehla Civil, eNews, News

…describes her recent experience completing Outward Bound, after being awarded an Outward Bound Scholarship through Connexis. “Outward Bound is a real mental, emotional and physical journey; a real rollercoaster,” she…