…your industry and company can offer. Open the door to your entry-roles, internships, gateway programme or apprenticeship. If your company would be interested in hosting a GWHV event in 2025,…

Craig Hart – Civil Trades Certified, Infracore

benstevens Civil

…largest industries in New Zealand, encompassing 600 businesses and with an annual turnover of $20 billion. Craig completed the new certification through the Recognition of Current Competence (RCC) process, which…

WDC wesbites now live

benstevens News, RoVE

…contacts. Employer link: Provider link: Contact page: Please take some time to familiarise yourself with these sites. Bear in mind these are still under development and there…

eNews April 2021

Connexis eNews, News, NZ Apprenticeships, Our People, RoVE

Commission (TEC), Connexis is a proud partner in this initiative, along with BCITO, Skills and Competenz.  Trade Careers kicked off with an RNZ Morning Report interview with our Ultimit ambassador Kat Kaiwai. You can listen here or read the more in-depth article. …