SpeedMeets – West Auckland
Please see below for more information or visit: https://www.gotatrade.co.nz/events or email marketing@connexis.org.nz
Why attend SpeedMeet?
It’s a great opportunity for your business to find new staff or apprentices. And with skills shortages across many trades and services industries, SpeedMeet gives school leavers a chance to discover all the exciting work and careers available.
Who will be there?
School leavers from secondary schools in the area, careers advisors and representatives from the participating Industry Training Organisations.
How does the day run?
SpeedMeet runs from 9.00am to 2.30pm. We ask that you arrive at 8.30am. A small table and chairs are provided. You are welcome to bring a display banner and any marketing collateral – plus business cards. It’s also a great idea to have more than one person conduct the interviews – it’s a busy day!
The day is divided into SpeedMeet rounds. During each round, a set number of students rotate from employer to employer for six-minute mini-interviews. The number of students able to attend is dependent on the number of businesses attending, so it’s important to register your business.
After each mini-interview music will play. Both employer and student note YES, NO or MAYBE on the SpeedMeet app, or on paper, to indicate if they want to meet again. The student then moves to the next employer in the room.
At the end of the SpeedMeet, the outcomes of each interview are collated. If there are matches then the employer, student and school will be emailed each other’s contact details.
What is SpeedMeet?
SpeedMeet brings together students and employers – speed-dating style! It’s a great opportunity for senior students who are ready for work, or will be looking for work within the next six months, to discover all the exciting careers available in the trades and services industries.
How does the day run?
SpeedMeet runs between approximately 9.00am to 2.30pm. Students rotate from employer to employer for six-minute mini-interviews. This ensures they gain awareness of all the various career opportunities and they get to practice their interview skills.
After each six-minute mini-interview music will play and the student and employer note YES, NO or MAYBE to indicate if they want to know more about each other. This is done electronically or on paper. Students with an internet-enabled mobile or tablet are encouraged to bring them. The student then moves on to the next employer in line.
At the end of the SpeedMeet, outcomes are collated and if there are matches then the employer and student will be emailed each other’s contact details. The school career advisor will also receive a copy of the matches.
Because each student will meet with every employer, SpeedMeet is aimed at students who are looking for work but may be unsure about what type they want.
Who will be there?
SpeedMeet includes employers and ITOs from a range of industries that offer on-the-job training and exciting career opportunities, this may include: automotive, engineering, infrastructure, primary industries, social and community services, creative industries, retail and service industries, manufacturing and technology and more.