Key points to note:
- Connexis manages all third-party fees for external contract assessment and off-job training, where applicable.
- Connexis is responsible for payment to third party providers keeping the process simplified for you and your business. In addition, Connexis is also taking more responsibility for managing the quality of provision being provided.
- Our pricing structure allows fees to be paid over two years, whereby the programme is longer than 15 months and where fees are $3000 or more.
- We have made provision for those employers that operate an in-house assessment model. If an additional external assessor is needed to assist your in-house assessor, additional fees will apply.
- Incidental costs such as travel and accommodation for block courses are not covered by the fees paid to Connexis.
Domestic vs International Learners
For a learner’s enrolment to be eligible for a subsidy through the Tertiary Education Commission’s (TEC) Unified Funding System, a learner must be either a Domestic Student or an Australian citizen/resident who currently resides in New Zealand.
“Domestic Student” means a New Zealand citizen or resident.
All other learners are categorised as a non-domestic or international student.
Pricing for International Students
Please do note that non-domestic/international learners who are not eligible for TEC funding can still enrol and complete on-job training and receive a New Zealand Qualification through Connexis. Connexis will need evidence of the learner’s eligibility to study in New Zealand, i.e. passport and relevant visa. International learners will need to enter into our standard Training Agreement, along with their employer.
Fees Free
TEC is changing Fees Free from first-year fees to final-year fees – this will apply from 1 January 2025. To check if you’re eligible for Fees Free, please go to the Fees Free website and refer to the Work-Based Learning eligibility criteria (this can be found on the ‘Starting Study in 2025?’ tab).